Great reasons why supporting the Victorian Country Series will give back to your business.
Many of the Kart racers that compete in the Victorian Country Series may already support your business. They may live and work in your town or a town your business services or be club members of your local kart club.
By supporting the VCS there is an excellent opportunity to canvas your products and services to a wide demographic from Victoria to South Australia.
The Victorian Country Series commenced in the early 1990’s as a way for country drivers to regularly race in a competitive environment without having to travel to the major metropolitan tracks. It has evolved to a point now that metropolitan Melbourne and interstate drivers travel to our series for the tough competition and enjoyable atmosphere.
In the past few years, the VCS experienced a strong surge in popularity with karters attracted to the strength of our competition and value for money while many series around Australia may have experienced a downturn. We aim to continue this strong patronage again in 2024 as we continue to actively promote our events.
Value for money.
Kart racing polls highly in crowd appeal and offers a unique marketing position at a fraction of the price of other main stream sports investments. It offers an excellent opportunity to be seen supporting drivers, their families and race teams who will become familiar with your business and in turn support your brand.
Not many other sports could boast the loyalty and camaraderie that karting offers. Our series is a perfect example. Fierce competitors on the track become mates when the helmet comes off, the karting family looks after each other like few other sports. Your image would also be enhanced by supporting a series that is helping young drivers gain the necessary skills to make them better drivers on our roads. Safety is paramount on the track and consideration is also made for getting home safely.
The Victorian Country Series is actively promoted through a strong social media presence which includes, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube & our official series website. We promote the current sponsors wherever appropriate before, during and after all series race events. In addition to the above, the series is also promoted by all six participating kart clubs and Karting Victoria on their social media platforms. Post race reports and 100’s of photos are supplied to the karting media outlets including KartSportNews.
The Victorian Country Series has an offical/dedicated photographer which supplies 100’s of high resolution photos after each event to karters at no cost in order to promote the series; these photos can also be used
for free by all series sponsors to advertise their involvement.
The most popular form of communication is via the VCS Facebook page @victoriancountryseries and website www.victoriancountryseries.com which are closely connected to the broader Australian karting
community. The VCS Facebook page has a strong audience with over 2.8K likes and over 3.3K followers and the most popular posts such as post-race photos attract a reach in excess of 6,000 people!
In 2023 we offered 11 racing classes and most rounds attracted in excess of 160 entries. Over 340 individual karters have raced in our series, each with associated friends and family in attendance. Through active promotion and recognised high level of competition we aim to increase these numbers in 2024 by introducing a NEW Race Format. In 2018 & 2019 the Victorian Country Series was recognised by Karting Australia as one of the BEST examples of social media used in a positive way to promote karting.
• Naming rights sponsorship of the Series.
• The most prominent logos on all series race programs, T-Shirts and other VCS merchandise.
• Logos on Series trophies.
• Top tier logos on a media background displayed behind the podium at each track with the option to supply caps for podium.
• Sticker on Nassau panel on every kart competing.
• Opportunity to display flags and large banners (size TBA) on the out grid at each of the six tracks.
• Maximum exposure by trackside commentator.
• Logo advertised in the VCS race programs, media exposure for your brand on Facebook, Instagram and VCS Website. This exposure is also shared amongst the karting community on various media platforms.
• Complimentary Series T-Shirt.
The 7 Silver Sponsors will be entitled to the following
• Prominent logos in all series race programs, on T-Shirts and other VCS merchandise.
• Second tier logos on a media background displayed behind the podium at each track.
• Opportunity to display a large banner (size TBA) on the out grid at each of the six events.
• Supply 2 teardrop banners to be displayed on the track
• Exposure by trackside commentator
• Logo advertised in the VCS race programs. Media exposure for your brand on Facebook, Instagram and VCS Website. This exposure is also shared amongst the karting community on various media platforms.
• Complimentary Series T-Shirt
The series Supporter Package will be offered for those sponsors who wish to sponsor the series but wish to contribute an in-kind service. Example; Supply goods or services.
• Third tier logo on a media background displayed behind the podium at each track
• Sponsors will be entitled to a Logo advertised in the VCS race programs not as prominent as the options of Silver or Gold.
• Media exposure for your brand on Facebook, Instagram and the VCS Website and by VCS trackside commentator. This exposure is also shared amongst the karting community on various media platforms.
NOTE: All sponsorship package amounts are preferred monetary, however; the sponsorship can be negotiated to include products by agreement between the Sponsor and VCS Committee.
• The VCS strongly preferences tangible prizes to vouchers, as they add to the excitement of the event.
• The VCS strongly wishes to avoid any voucher where the value of the voucher is less than 100% of the purchase price.
• The VCS does not consider a sponsor offer in isolation; all sponsor offers are considered in combination with other sponsor
contributions to avoid duplicates and maximise the value of the prizes delivered to the Karter.
• The majority of all sponsorship goes directly to the provision at end of series prizes and trophies.
• Other series running costs are usually covered by the entry fee at each round.
• In order to avoid potential prize funding gaps we can no longer accept sponsorship product offers that are stipulated as being “in addition” to standard VCS prizes for that class; sponsorship product offers must be “in place” all of, or part of, standard VCS prizes for a class or classes.

Businesses have the opportunity to contribute over $1,500 Cash

There are 7 opportunities for Silver sponsorships with all partners contributing over $3,000 Cash.

$10,000 DPE Kart Superstore is the Gold Naming Rights Sponsor for 2025:
The DPE Victorian Country Series would not continue its great success year after year without the help of our series sponsors.
The key thing to remember is the businesses that support your local kart club through sponsorship, as well as who support the VCS series that you love to compete in or be a part of round after round.
We thank each and every one of our sponsors for their support and appreciate their generosity towards our series and the karters who enjoy racing in it.
Support those businesses that support your local kart club and invest back into the great sport we love.